Re: Multiple XML schema files for a common target namespace (PROV-ISSUE-608)

Hi Luc,

Because time is running down on getting the PROV-XML Note ready for the next release I went ahead and updated the editors draft with the discussed changes.

I have added sections to the design patterns section concerning the schema modularity and the conventions on type information.

I have also update the Bundles section with the design that Stian and I have most recently been discussing and which I think will be satisfactory to you.  I did rename the element to bundleContent as Stian suggested because it reads much better than bundleConstructor.

Please let me know if you would like me to change anything.  I tried to make the text in the bundle section clear but it's wording may not align with your interpretation.

I have also made several other update to the document including updating the SOTD section, please refer to the Change Log section at the bottom for a summary of changes.


On Feb 13, 2013, at 9:43 AM, Stephan Zednik <> wrote:

> How about the following changes? More discussion of the bundleConstructor referencing element name below.
>  <xs:complexType name="Bundle">
>    <xs:complexContent>
>      <xs:extension base="prov:Entity">
>      </xs:extension>
>    </xs:complexContent>
>  </xs:complexType>
>  <xs:complexType name="BundleConstructor">
>  <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
>   <xs:group ref="prov:documentElements"/>
>   <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
>  </xs:sequence>
>  <xs:attribute ref="prov:id"/>
>  </xs:complexType>
>  <xs:element name="document" type="prov:Document" />
>  <xs:complexType name="Document">
>    <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
>        <xs:group ref="prov:documentElements" minOccurs="0"/>
>   <xs:element name="bundleConstructor" type="prov:BundleConstructor" minOccurs="0"/>
>        <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" />
>    </xs:sequence>
>  </xs:complexType>
> The group prov:documentElements does not contain a reference to prov:BundleConstructor.
> On Feb 13, 2013, at 2:50 AM, Stian Soiland-Reyes <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 8:19 AM, Luc Moreau <> wrote:
>>> In section 5.4.2,
>>>, you will
>>> see the sentence:
>>> A bundle description is of the form entity(id, [ prov:type='prov:Bundle',
>>> attr1=val1, ...] )
>>> I therefore think it would be very confusing to use the term
>>> bundleDescriptions to refer to the constructor of section 5.4.1
>> Agreed.
>>> A bundle constructor ◊ allows the content and the name of a bundle to be specified
>> what about <bundleContent> then?  I think that should make distinction
>> with <bundle> obvious, more so than the 'constructor' which you would
>> have to read PROV-DM with a lens to understand.
>> Thus in a way everything in PROV-XML is a description, <bundle> is a
>> bundle description, and <bundleContent> describes the content of the
>> bundle (ie. further PROV statements).
> With the modeling suggestion above I use prov:bundleConstructor, but like Stian I am not a big fan of how it reads in XML.
> I like the following (in order of preference):
> bundleContent
> bundleRecords
> bundleStatements
> --Stephan
>> -- 
>> Stian Soiland-Reyes, myGrid team
>> School of Computer Science
>> The University of Manchester

Received on Thursday, 14 February 2013 00:21:51 UTC