- From: Paul Groth <pgroth@gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2013 16:57:33 +0100
- To: Timothy Lebo <lebot@rpi.edu>
- Cc: Simon Miles <simon.miles@kcl.ac.uk>, "public-prov-wg@w3.org Group WG" <public-prov-wg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAJCyKRrwn+GA+UTDY51=5x-ogGxuG+AEayoM1-rHnDTn+EoR_A@mail.gmail.com>
Hi Tim, I think your comments are correct. The suggested "quoteFrom" is as you say inconsistent with wasDerivedFrom. Also it seems we can clarify this is in the primer. I think it's hard to say that we haven't had a discussion on naming and this was the consensus name. In general, I think Chuck wants something we don't provide. cheers Paul On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 4:11 PM, Timothy Lebo <lebot@rpi.edu> wrote: > Simon, > > I'm directing comments to you in hopes that the wg can develop another > response. > > Begin forwarded message: > > > Resent-From: public-prov-comments@w3.org > > From: "Morris, Chuck E (IS)" <chuck.morris@ngc.com> > > Subject: RE: The wasQuotedFrom relationship > > Date: February 7, 2013 2:18:48 PM EST > > To: "Miles, Simon" <simon.miles@kcl.ac.uk>, "public-prov-comments@w3.org" > <public-prov-comments@w3.org> > > > > Thanks for the response. I can see an attempt to deal with the issue, > but I’m not convinced that it has been resolved satisfactorily. I still > think there is a fundamental problem with the wasQuotedFrom relationship > name. I recognize that the pattern “X was quoted from Y” is used in > colloquial language to attribute quotations, > > > This is exactly the intent of the relation. Some [quote] Entity is taken > from some previous [larger] Entity. > > I just copied Chuck's name from his own email: > > [ a prov:Entity; > prov:value "Chuck"; > prov:wasQuotedFrom < > http://www.w3.org/mid/B7183A6EEAB3B049B77D39BDE3F9D70F485E3259@XMBVAG71.northgrum.com > >; > ] . > > < > http://www.w3.org/mid/B7183A6EEAB3B049B77D39BDE3F9D70F485E3259@XMBVAG71.northgrum.com> > a prov:Entity, :Email . > > > > > > but only when it is clear that X is a quotation. > > > The use of the property implies that X is a quotation, by the definition > of the property. > The domain of the property is not constrained because it wasn't necessary > -- Entity is sufficient. > > > > > No one would say “X was quoted from Y” if X is not a quotation, > > +100 > > > but they may well say “X was quoted from in Y”, meaning Y contains a > quote that came from X. > > We do not offer this relation. > @Simon, is the tutorial leading people down this path? If so, I think it > should simply be removed entirely. > The example seems to be misinterpreting the relation. > And I don't' think that a "scruffy" argument makes sense. > I'm as scruffy as they come, and even THAT distinction (which involves a > whole-part indirection) doesn't make sense to me. > When the part is quoted from, it does not imply that the whole is quoted > from. It's simply too degenerate. > > > > If you see “X wasQuotedFrom Y” and you do not know that X is a > quotation, > > You **DO** know that X is a quotation, simply by the fact that it > wasQuotedFrom something. > Chuck's assumption here is invalid, so the remaining argument does not > work. > > > I think it is more natural to assume that it means “X was quoted from > [in] Y” > > > Yes, this would "swap" the direction of the "wasQuote" relation, where X > is the big, earlier entity and Y is the "blog that includes a chunk of text > from X". > BUT THIS IS NOT WHAT THE RELATION IS. > > > than to assume that it means “X [is a quote that] was quoted from Y”. > > NOR IS THIS. > I think the primer example misleads to this interpretation. > Can we not directly describe the actual quoted value > > :my_clipping dcterms:isPartOf :my_blog with prov:wasQuotedFrom :bible ? > > > > That is especially true in scruffy usage when X is not a quote, but > merely contains a quote. > > This is NOT a valid "proper" or "scruffy" interpretation. > > > > I see from the discussion that quoted, wasQuoteOf, hadQuoteFrom, > wasAQuoteFrom, isAQuoteFrom, and isQuoteFrom were all rejected. How about > just quoteFrom? That isn’t past tense, but it seems to me that it would be > consistent with some of the other relationship names like alternateOf and > specializationOf. > > It would be inconsistent with its own super property, wasDerivedFrom > (where Quoted is a type of Derivation). > > > > And perhaps it would also be helpful to either change ex:blogEntry in > the primer to ex:quoteInBlog to avoid scruffy usage, > > +10000 (I think this was my biggest vote ever…) > > > or add text to point out that the usage of the relationship is an > example of scruffy usage. > > IT IS NOT A GOOD USE OF SCRUFFY. And I don't think this argument can be > used to violate the intent of the wasQuotedFrom. > I think it's best to pair an entity that was quoted from another entity > with the prov:value of the quoted string, to make its use obvious. > > -Tim > > > > Chuck > > > > From: Miles, Simon [mailto:simon.miles@kcl.ac.uk] > > Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 11:08 AM > > To: Morris, Chuck E (IS); public-prov-comments@w3.org > > Subject: EXT :RE: The wasQuotedFrom relationship > > > > Hello Chuck, > > > > Thanks for your comment. The Provenance Working Group has discussed > this, and prepared a response > > > > The main point is that we think this is just the primer text being > misleading rather than the relation name being incorrect. The wasQuotedFrom > relation should link a quote to the document it was quoted from. The primer > currently can be read as linking something *containing* a quote to the > place it was quoted from, which is allowable under "scruffy" use of PROV, > but not ideal for illustrating the concept as it doesn't match the relation > name, as you indicate. More generally, the working group previously > extensively discussed the matter of the relation name, including > considering hadQuotationFrom. While no relation name may be perfect, it was > agreed wasQuotedFrom matches the intent of the relation and PROV-DM > definition better than hadQuotation>From or other relations. > > > > Full details of the response, and the clarifications we intend to make > to the primer, are below > > > > http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/ResponsesToPublicCommentsCR#ISSUE-616 > > > > Can you let us know whether that response addresses your comment? > > > > thanks, > > Simon > > > > Dr Simon Miles > > Senior Lecturer, Department of Informatics > > Kings College London, WC2R 2LS, UK > > +44 (0)20 7848 1166 > > > > Transparent Provenance Derivation for User Decisions: > > http://eprints.dcs.kcl.ac.uk/1400/ > > From: Morris, Chuck E (IS) [chuck.morris@ngc.com] > > Sent: 10 January 2013 18:55 > > To: public-prov-comments@w3.org > > Subject: The wasQuotedFrom relationship > > > > I just looked over the provenance primer. One thing I noticed is that > the wasQuotedFrom relationship is very confusing semantically. Take the > example in the primer where Betty posts a blog entry with a quote from the > newspaper article. The provenance is expressed as (ex:blogEntry > prov:wasQuotedFrom ex:article .) But that seems to imply that the blog > entry was quoted by the newspaper article instead of the other way around. > I suggest that a better name for the relationship would be > prov:hadQuotationFrom. > > > > Chuck Morris > > > > >
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