Re: prov-aq review for release as working draft (ISSUE-613)


Thanks for your comments.

On 11/01/2013 12:08, Ivan Herman wrote:
> Paul
> two editorial comments:
> - In 4.2, the text says "according to the following convention" and then example uses &target=.... This suggests that the &target=... is the usual convention that implementations should use. But this is not the case. However, 4.1.1. says that the URI template defines what is used, ie, I can have a service using a different convention, say, &resource=.... I believe this should be made clearer in the text.

I agree, and have raised to cover 
how to address this.  My own position is clear enough, but since it may be seen 
as undoing an earlier consensus I don't want to make the change without first 
highlighting the issue.

> - In 4.2 the text says
> "A provenance query service should be capable of returning RDF using the vocabulary defined by [PROV-O], in any standard RDF serialization (e.g. RDF/XML), or any other standard serialization of the Provenance Model specification [PROV-DM]"
> In my reading this suggests that a query service should provide _all_ the standard rdf serialisations. Is this what we say? Ie, does the service have to provide rdf/xml, turtle, json-ld, and rdfa? Or should it provide at least one of these? (In which case how does it say which one it can support?)

I agree the text needs clarifying.  But it seems we also need to agree on what 
will be recommended/required.  I've re-opened

Meanwhile, I've tweaked the offending text to read "in at least one of the 
standard RDF serializations" to address the particular ambiguity.  I don't 
expect this to be the final word.

> Mini-mini issues:
> - In the status section, bulleted list, the 'PROV-AQ' should not reference to itself.


> - A full stop is missing after the item on Target-URI


> Finally, we should not forget expanding the /ns/prov files (currently under the 'control' of Tim) to include the terms in this document. This should be done when the document is published.

Yes, we have to remind us of this.

Many thanks.


Received on Thursday, 7 February 2013 18:58:38 UTC