Re: Check list for the homestretch...


On Apr 20, 2013, at 5:59 AM, Ivan Herman <> wrote:

> Paul, Luc,
> just writing down the last check list; partially for myself. The problem is that I am at a workshop in London next week, so it will be difficult for me to do something until Friday. I want to be sure that we are still fine.
> ...
> - The WG has produced a number of documents in /ns, I *think* all of them are up-to-date. However, just to be sure: I attach a screen dump of the files I have on my disc, with dates; these are in sync with the content of the server. I do not remember any more what is the role of the dated owl and ttl files, and whether there is a need to update them to the final date.

The dated OWL files exist to be returned when one resolves the value of the owl:versionIRI found on the "latest, more abstract" ontology (or, in practical terms, "someone's copy").
The dated OWL files are also how we reference to previous versions using the prov:wasRevisionOf property.

From :
    a owl:Ontology ;
    rdfs:label "W3C PROVenance Interchange Ontology (PROV-O)"@en ;
    rdfs:seeAlso <>, <> ;
    owl:versionIRI <> ; ######################## <- Here
    owl:versionInfo "Recommendation version 2013-04-30"@en ;
    :specializationOf <> ;
    :wasRevisionOf <> . ######################## <- and here

I notice that 404s. I wonder if you removed the dated version, or if we just did not provide one? Very likely the latter.. :-)

I added prov-o-20130312.ttl/owl to hg/namespace/ so that we can backfill the wasRevisionOf link above.
Can you push that, too?

Many ongoing thanks,

> (Although these vocabularies are not part of /TR, I think we should really have them up-to-date at the publication)
> ...
> Cheers
> Ivan

Received on Monday, 29 April 2013 15:02:30 UTC