Re: comments on prov-xml

Resending, because my response last week apparently did not send successfully :-(

On Apr 11, 2013, at 8:56 AM, Paul Groth <> wrote:

> Hi Stephan, prov-xml editors
> I'm happy for prov-xml to be released as a final note. It's a straightforward and clear presentation.
> My Comments:
> #Section 1 
> * "This specification goal" --> "This specification's goal"
> * italize - "This specification goal is to provide a succinct definition of the XML form of PROV-DM"


> # Section 1.1
> * add prefix prov: as a convention


> * what is OXM?

Removed OXM, added "Object-to-XML"

> # Section 2.3 
> * A sudden mention of PROV-N. Can we get a simple two sentence intro to PROV-N.

I Added the following:

The PROV Notation (PROV-N) is a serialization of the PROV Data Model described in [PROV-N]. Examples in the [PROV-DM] document are encoded using PROV-N. Because of the heavy use of PROV-N syntax in [PROV-DM], the PROV-XML editors feel it is important to present a comparison of the PROV-N and PROV-XML syntaxes and justifications behind the select syntax decisions in PROV-XML.

> * Maybe lead with the general xml pattern that is followed and then justify by analogy to PROV-N

Do you think this is still needed?

> * "Stating all type information using the PROV type attribute assists in interoperability with non-PROV-XML encoding of PROV." - Why?

By making type information explicit and easier to transform for XSLT and similar tools. 

Do you think I should add this explanation to the note or remove the statement about interoperability? 

> # Section 3
> * I like table 1
> * Why no link back to dm definitions?


> * What's the provenance of the examples? just out of curiosity

Examples in the note should be similar to examples in examples/eg-40, many of which were initially modeled after examples from the DM rec.

> # Appendix
> * do we want the schemas here? we don't do this with the ontology


> -- 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Paul Groth (
> Assistant Professor
> - Web & Media Group | Department of Computer Science
> - The Network Institute
> VU University Amsterdam

Received on Tuesday, 16 April 2013 16:38:00 UTC