Re: PROV-ISSUE-644 (TomDN): (Editorial) Make sure production rules in grammar are regular text instead of CSS [PROV-DICTIONARY]

This was solved in the latest editor's draft.
Also changed membershipExpression to dictionaryMembershipExpression to
avoid conflict with prov-n.

Please verify.

Issue marked pending review.


2013/3/7 Provenance Working Group Issue Tracker <>

> PROV-ISSUE-644 (TomDN): (Editorial) Make sure production rules in grammar
> are regular text instead of CSS [PROV-DICTIONARY]
> Raised by: Tom De Nies
> Originally spotted by Stian:
> >For some reason I was not able to copy-paste the ::== line  above
> >correctly from neither Firefox nor Chrome - the 'single quotes'
> >disappeared! Why? CSS? Ensure quotes are regular characters
> This appears to be because the quotes are added through CSS. I noticed
> that in PROV-N, this is done differently now, and the expressions are
> pulled from the grammar by a javascript script that runs on the page. We
> will fix this for the final release.

Received on Thursday, 11 April 2013 08:44:33 UTC