RE: Comments on the Prov Primer

Hello Ivan,

Sorry this has taken a long time to complete, but I believe all the matters you raised below regarding the primer have now been addressed. Specifically:

 - There are now full separate PROV-O Turtle and PROV-N files linked from the document (Section 3.10) that can be copied from by developers.
 - The example figures have been adjusted to have each CURIE on one line.
 - The PROV-N notation for unspecified values has been explained when first used, in Section 3.3:
"Note that the - argument in the examples above denote unspecified optional information. See the [PROV-N] specification for the details of what arguments may be expressed in each PROV-N statement."
 - The discrepancy with derivation for the old and new charts/datasets has been clarified in Section 3.6: "(the same relation could be expressed between the old chart and old dataset)"
 - The typos, and extra and missing spaces mentioned have been fixed, and the status will be correct in the coming release.

These changes can be seen in the latest editor's draft:

thanks again for the comments,

Dr Simon Miles
Senior Lecturer, Department of Informatics
Kings College London, WC2R 2LS, UK
+44 (0)20 7848 1166

Automatically Adapting Source Code to Document Provenance:
From: Ivan Herman []
Sent: 31 July 2012 15:52
To: Provenance Working Group
Subject: Comments on the Prov Primer

Reading, some comments. Nothing major...

- The wrong pattern was used in the status section: it says "This document is intended to become a W3C Recommendation." which, I believe, is not the case. There is a separate entry for notes in recspec ("WD-NOTE") (hopefully that works, but maybe it does not, in which case we should talk to Robin:-)

- Right after 2.2 there is a 'Use' word standing alone… Looking at the HTML source it says <p>Use</section> :-(

- Last sentence in 2.4: "PROV , the agent" -> "PROV, the agent"

- Diagrams right before 3.2 (and, actually, all other diagrams): I think it would be better to use diagrams where the CURIE labels are on one line. After all, these are URI-s, even if in an abbreviated form, whereas the diagram does not really make that clear… It is also more in line with the Turtle/Prov-n codes.

- (I am not sure how to handle this optimally) When reading section 3.3, and looking at the prov-n example at the end, I found

wasGeneratedBy(ex:chart1, ex:illustrate, -)

and I was wondering (not being familiar with the prov-n syntax) what the '-' character meant. It is only way later (in section 3.8) that I realized that the slot is used for a time value and '-', I presume, means 'not specified'. Maybe it is worth putting some sort of a forward reference into 3.3. to help the poor reader…

- Again as a newcomer… in 3.6 I was a little bit puzzled by the

    ex:chart2 prov:wasDerivedFrom ex:dataSet2

statement. What I mean is: it is fine if I look at 'wasDerivedFrom' as a very high level statement stating the origin of one entity in terms of the other (is that a correct interpretation?) but, then, why don't I have also

    ex:chart1 prov:wasDerivedFrom ex:dataSet1 ?

What drew my attention on that was looking at the complete figure in 3.10 and noting the assymetry in the figure. After all, ex:chart2 is created exactly through the same steps as ex:chart1 (illustrate-composition-compose-data) except that using a different data set, and that does not show at all.

(I guess representing this symmetry might become a bit hairy but may be worth noting in the text that these could be done as well.)

Maybe it is a possibility to introduce the wasDerivedFrom in the very first part of the text, making it clear that we can have such very high level relationships among entities.

- It may be worth making the turtle and prov-n files available via links in 3.10. People may want to use that as a copy-paste example for their own usage, for example…

- In references: for all entries spaces are missing between the authors' list and the title. Eg, "Paul GrothPROV-AQ".

I hope this helps!



Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Monday, 29 October 2012 13:45:31 UTC