Re: prov:value versus KeyValuePair

Stephan and WG,

Given Luc's response about Dictionaries providing structure to Entities, can we go with pairKey and pairValue?

Any more concerns?


>> Leaning towards Luc and Stephan, what about 
>> [ 
>> a prov:KeyValuePair;
>> prov:pairKey      "goalie"; 
>> prov:pairValue  :joe_the_tank;
>> ]
>> I think the property should be named by the role, not its range - otherwise we'd have pairString which is odd.
> I think this goes back to my preference for prov:KeyEntityPair over prov:KeyValuePair.
> Why can only entities be the value in a KeyValuePair?
> --Stephan

Received on Tuesday, 15 May 2012 15:35:06 UTC