Re: PROV-ISSUE-459 (prov-constraints-lc-review): PROV-CONSTRAINTS review [prov-dm-constraints]

Dear all,

Apologies in getting the prov-constraints document ready.
It is now available for review at

It would be great if we can still follow the timetable we agreed on the 
call last week.

The prov-c-team

On 20/07/12 12:02, Provenance Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
> PROV-ISSUE-459 (prov-constraints-lc-review): PROV-CONSTRAINTS review [prov-dm-constraints]
> Raised by: James Cheney
> On product: prov-dm-constraints
> Hi,
> This issue is to capture review comments for the next draft of PROV-CONSTRAINTS, which will be released soon.
> Please answer the following review questions:
> 1.  Is PROV-CONSTRAINTS ready to be released as a last call working draft (modulo editorial issues and resolution to the below issues)?
> 2.  Regarding ISSUE-346: Is the role, meaning, and intended use of each type of inference or constraint clear?  (
> 3.  Regarding ISSUE-451: Are there any objections to the revision-is-alternate inference? (
> 4.  Regarding ISSUE-454: Are the rules for disjointness clear and appropriate? (
> 5.  Regarding ISSUE-458: Should influence (and therefore all subrelations, including communication) be irreflexive, or can it be reflexive (i.e., can wasInfluencedBy(x,x) be valid)?  (
> 5.  Are there any objections to closing other open issues on PROV-CONSTRAINTS?  They are:
> 6.  Are there any new issues concerning definitions, constraints, or inferences? If so, please raise as new issues to be addressed before LC vote, ideally with a suggested change that would address the issue.
> --James

Received on Monday, 23 July 2012 14:05:10 UTC