PROV-ISSUE-275 (TLebo): Not all prov:Bundles are sd:NamedGraphs [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-275 (TLebo): Not all prov:Bundles are sd:NamedGraphs [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

Raised by: Timothy Lebo
On product: mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o

"Bundles" in PROV can be anything that conveys provenance assertions. This includes my handwriting on a napkin. Mapping Bundles directly to sd:NameGraph violates this notion, since sd:NamedGraphs are only RDF Abstract Graphs and similar. There are bundles that are NOT RDF _anything_, and we must be able to describe these in RDF, too.

Received on Wednesday, 29 February 2012 19:10:55 UTC