Re: PROV-ISSUE-29 (mutual-iVP-of): can two bobs be mutually "IVP of" each other [Conceptual Model]

On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 16:47, Myers, Jim <> wrote:

> I think you conclude that rs_m1 only existed at loc2 because it's duration is completely contained by that of rs_l1 (not sure why rs_l1 has loc2 instead of loc1 as a value...). The converse would not be true - rs_l1 only had a membership of 250 in 1900 (note the diagram shows rs_m1 having a longer duration, but its attribute means it cannot exist outside the year 1900...). Again  - I think the language in the Constraint: box addresses this...

Yes, but the problem is that neither in the abstract model or the
ontology is it possible to see what is the lifetime of an entity. We
can assert the generation time (or the ordering of the PEs who did the
generation), but nothing about "destruction" of the entity. An entity
ceases to exist as soon as one of its "characterising attributes" has
changed, so if you have:

:a1 prov:wasComplementOf :b .
:a2 prov:wasComplementOf :b .

:someField an owl:DataProperty, owl:FunctionalProperty ;
:a1 :someField 1 .
:a2 :someField 2 .

:a2 prov:wasDerivedFrom :a1

*then* finally I guess you know that :a1 stopped existing some time
before :a2 was generated. (but after the generation process started!)
But what if you don't have a functional data property handy?

Stian Soiland-Reyes, myGrid team
School of Computer Science
The University of Manchester

Received on Monday, 26 September 2011 22:07:00 UTC