Re: Some thoughts about the revised provenance Model document

On 20/10/2011 13:55, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 10:37, Paul Groth<>  wrote:
>> cf:e2 a prov:Entity.
>> cf:e2 cf:hasLocation dbpedia:Berlin.
>> dbpedia:Berlin dbpedia-owl:leader dbpedia:Klaus_Wowereit.
>> dbpedia:Klaus_Wowereit dbpprop:nationality dbpedia:Germany.
>> Obviously, I can just keep building this massive graph using linked data.
>> If that's the case what characterizes cf:e2?
>> Is it just cf:hasLocation dbpedia:Berlin or is it everything else?
> IMO:
> Only
>     cf:e2 cf:hasLocation dbpedia:Berlin .
> would be characterizing cf:e2.


> dbpedia:Berlin is not characterized - unless it was also a prov:Entity.
> Now I don't know the answer for anonymous nodes:
> cf:e2 a prov:Entity.
> cf:e2 cf:hasLocation [
>     dbpedia-owl:leader [
>        foaf:name "Klaus Wowereit"
>        dbpprop:nationality dbpedia:Germany
>      ],
> ]
> My simple reading of this is that cf:e2 has a location of somewhere
> where the German called Klaus Wowereit is "the leader" - but neither
> Hr Bürgermeister Wowereit or the implied Berlin is a "characterising
> attribute".
> If we distance ourselves slightly from the notions of "characterising
> attributes" we can just say that the properties stated directly on (or
> with?) an entity was true/fixed attributes throughout the lifetime of
> the entity. Any nested propertioes might or might not have been true/
> throughout that lifetime.  (Thus cf:e2 could have existed in Berlin
> before Hr Wowereit became the mayor).

That works for me.


> I suggest that if you also want to lock down such things, then do
> those properties as other prov:Entities, (either anonymous or named):
> cf:e2 a prov:Entity ;
>    cf:hasLocation cf:berlinWithKlaus .
> cf:berlinWithKlaus a prov:Entity, prov:Location ;
>    prov:wasComplementOf  dbpedia:Berlin ;
>    dbpedia-owl:leader cf:klausTheMayor .
> cf:klausTheMayor a prov:Entity ;
>      prov:wasComplementOf dbpedia:Klaus_Wowereit ;
>      dbpedia:Klaus_Wowereit dbpprop:nationality dbpedia:Germany .
> Thus throughout the lifetime of cf:e2, the thing described by e2 was
> in Berlin, and throughout that time (at least as long as e2 existed)
> Klaus Wowereit was the leader, being German (The pre-1990
> Klaus-the-West-German was not the leader during the lifetime of
> cf:berlinWithKlaus).
> Note that such an interpretation would introduce temporal dependencies
> between cf:e2 and cf:klausTheMayor which are not currently covered by
> PROV-DM (there are no prov:derivedFrom or wasComplementOf links
> between cf:e2 and Berlin) - if the provenance otherwise showed that
> Klaus became mayor (when cf:klausTheMayor was generated) *afte*r cf:e2
> was generated, then the provenance account is inconsistent,  but this
> can't be shown by the constraints of PROV-DM as far as I can tell.
> Note that PROV-DM does not specifically allow such nesting of
> attribute values, there all attribute values are strings. If a
> property value was to be interpreted as a URI or identifier of another
> entity or other resource, than that seems outside of scope for PROV-DM
> - so we can take the same view in PROV-O.

Received on Thursday, 20 October 2011 13:47:18 UTC