Re: concept illustrations for the data journalism example

For completeness, it would be useful to add it as a processing step.


On 05/10/2011 12:13 PM, Paul Groth wrote:
> Hi Iker,
> In the example, we say that "To be transparent, the newspaper 
> publishes a document describing the provenance of the chart including 
> where it got the data from but also what tools and assumptions it used 
> to create the chart."
> So it's the newspaper not the government that's publishing provenance. 
> Does that cover what you want?
> cheers,
> Paul
> Iker Huerga wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>  From my point of view the data journalism example perfectly illustrates
>> the provenance concepts.
>> I just would like to make a couple of questions regarding the example.
>>    1. As stated in the charter "Provenance Interchange Working Group has
>>       the following objective: [...] and define methods to publish and
>>       access provenance". So, should we add a second processing steps as
>>       follows: "government (gov) generates provenance information (prov)
>>       regarding RDF (f1)" or is it already assumed?
>>    2. And in that case, Provenance information generation process will
>>       be carried out during the conversion process or in a different 
>> one?
>> Best Regards
>> Iker
>> On 05/10/2011 11:30 AM, Paul Groth wrote:
>>> Hi All:
>>> I asked for feedback on the proposed data journalism example [1] by
>>> Monday. There was not a lot of discussion so I hope it's safe to
>>> assume that the example was considered to be a good start.
>>> To help the discussion get going, I've put up a page [2] that lists
>>> each concept from the charter and illustration of it from the example.
>>> It would be good to see if we agree whether these illustrations
>>> actually illustrate the concepts.
>>> regards,
>>> Paul
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>> -- 
>> Iker Huerga Sánchez
>> Co-Founder, LINKatu
>> Polo de Innovación Garaia
>> Goiru, 1. Edificio A, 4º  Piso
>> 20500 Arrasate - Gipuzkoa
>> T+34 943 712 072 F+34 943 712 223

Professor Luc Moreau
Electronics and Computer Science   tel:   +44 23 8059 4487
University of Southampton          fax:   +44 23 8059 2865
Southampton SO17 1BJ               email:
United Kingdom           

Received on Tuesday, 10 May 2011 11:45:07 UTC