Re: PROV-ISSUE-84 (namespace-for-properties): What should namespace for properties be? [Formal Model]

Hi Luc,
My responses are interleaved:

>shows properties such as <cf:isGeneratedBy>. I was hoping to see
<po:isGeneratedBy> (and >similarly for other relations)

That is an error - I have updated the example on the repository with "po"
namespaces for the "isGeneratedBy", "isControlledBy", "isDerivedFrom", and

> I don't have access to the crimefile ontology, but I suppose it's domain

That is a good point - we have not created a crimefile ontology schema. It
might serve as an example to illustrate the extension mechanism to create a
domain-specific provenance ontology from the WG provenance ontology.

> While this may be good practice for owl ontology designers, the resulting
RDF representation is >not processable by an application that is not OWL
>I was hoping to see <po:isGeneratedBy> (and similarly for other relations)
so that the resulting >RDF is intelligible by applications that are not owl

I did not understand this point - applications that process RDF
representation but are not "OWL aware"?

>  It's more a lightweight vocabulary, than a full ontology with all bells
and whistles.
Any domain-specific ontology that extends the WG provenance ontology will
not be a vocabulary. If we want the provenance model (and the ontology) to
facilitate provenance interoperability on the Web they have to conform to WG
provenance model.



On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 3:35 AM, Provenance Working Group Issue Tracker <> wrote:

> PROV-ISSUE-84 (namespace-for-properties): What should namespace for
> properties be? [Formal Model]
> Raised by: Luc Moreau
> On product: Formal Model
> The owl2 encoding of the file example at
> shows properties such as <cf:isGeneratedBy>.
> I don't have access to the crimefile ontology, but I suppose it's domain
> specific.
> While this may be good practice for owl ontology designers, the resulting
> RDF representation is not processable by an application that is not OWL
> aware.
> I was hoping to see <po:isGeneratedBy> (and similarly for other relations)
> so that the resulting RDF is intelligible by applications that are not owl
> aware.
> In my eyes, that's what we meant by 'lightweight ontology' at F2F1. It's
> more a lightweight vocabulary, than a full ontology with all bells and
> whistles.

Received on Friday, 26 August 2011 14:59:31 UTC