RE: PAQ document update, target renamed as context

Hi Graham,

Thanks for your responses. Some comments below.

| -----Original Message-----
| From: []
| On Behalf Of Graham Klyne
| Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 7:05 AM
| To: Yogesh Simmhan
| Cc: 'Paul Groth'; 'W3C provenance WG'
| Subject: Re: PAQ document update, target renamed as context
|  <snip/>
| > - I believe there is no guarantee that the provenance-URI will provide
| > provenance information about the context-URI. Suggest we use *should* rather
| > than (implicitly) *must* to state that the returned provenance-uri should
| > provenance information about the resource view identified by the
| I think I see your point, but I am concerned that making that possibility
| explicit here might be confusing for a reader.  I wonder if this would be
| served by a new sub-section in sect 2 about interpreting provenance
| I've tagged this as an issue in the document for now.
I agree. For a more detailed discussion, do you think a (non-normative) appendix
section can deal with some of these issues and in addition provide several
concrete use cases? Maybe even using the examples from the F2F1 scenario present
in the wiki?

| >
| > *) "An HTTP response may include multiple provenance link headers...
| > an HTTP response may include... "
| > - Besides the above issue of the provenance being related to the resource
| > accessed (rather than the context-uri), I would like some clarity on what
| > multiple "anchor" mean. I would expect when multiple provenance-URIs and
| > context-URIs are returned through multiple "Link:" headers, then one or all
| > provenance-URIs *may* describe one or all the context-URIs. It is upto the
| > accessor to access each of the provenance-URIs to determine which of them
| > describe which context-URIs. If this is indeed the intention, can it be made
| > clearer? Also, it is not clear what resource you mean by "the resource may":
| > provenance resource or the resource being accessed by the HTTP GET/HEAD?
| Yes, this is a point that needs clarifying.  It is also a (small) difference
| between using "Link anchor=..." vs two separate link headers.
Yes, that is true. 
| > == Sec 3.2 ==
| > *) The "Appendix A. Notes on Using the Link Header with the HTML4 Format"
| > suggests three possible ways of serializing extension relationship types
| > as "provenance") into HTML4: an absolute URI, using the HEAD element's
| > attribute prefix, or an RDFa namespace prefix. We seem to be using none of
| > three and the "provenance" relationship we use in the "rel" attribute is not
| > URI. Should we instead adopt an absolute URI for the relationship type (e.g.
| > "") or reuse the RDFa's
| > prov:hasProvenance that we introduce? Or is my reading of that appendix
| > incorrect and does not apply to extension relation types that are registered
| > with IETF? Ditto for the "anchor" relation.
| I was in two minds about leaving that reference in.  The reason I did was that
| it discusses the correspondence between HTTP link headers and HTML <link>
| elements, and provides some general background information.  In view of your
| comment, I'm inclined to remove the note.
| Separately, using an absolute URI would have an advantage of making the HTML
| more directly aligned with RDF usage (if we use the RDF property URI), but the
| disadvantage of requiring a harder-to-remember URI rather than a fairly
| intuitive name.  My intuition is that it would be more approachable for
| and developers creating HTML to just use the name.
I see your point and agree on the need for making it easy for authors. But do
you see us breaking compatibility with the appendix, especially since it states:
"Surveys of existing HTML content have shown that unregistered link
   relation types that are not URIs are (perhaps inevitably) common.
   Consuming HTML implementations should not consider such unregistered
   short links to be errors, but rather relation types with a local
   scope (i.e., their meaning is specific and perhaps private to that

Should we say that in HTML, authors should serialize the "provenance" relation
as (e.g.) "" or "provenance", but the
former is preferred? Note that this does not apply to the HTTP relation that can
continue to be just "provenance" since it is going to be a registered extension.
On the other hand, if we do get "provenance" registered as a HTTP web link
extension relation, even using "provenance" in HTML is credible.

| > *) "The provenance-URI given by the provenance link element identifies the
| > provenance-URI for the document. ..."
| > - I have concerns as before for HTTP Web Links on whether the context-URI
| *must*
| > describe the document (or prior views) and the provenance-URI *must* have
| > provenance information about the resoure views identified by the
| > or they *should* in both cases. I prefer the latter, with the possiblity of
| > providing context-URIs for resources other than the current document, and
| > provenance-URIs of resource views other than the current document.
| (In case I wasn't clear before, I agree with your position of this being
| rather than MUST.)
Thanks, that helps.

| > == Sec 3.2.1 ==
| > *) Any reason why provenance service URI relation has not been added to the
| > Web Linking section as a new relation type? Is is just to finish discussions
| > about the relation before just migrating its use to HTTP Web Linking?
| This is a new section, pending wider review.  It's a fairly radical change
| what I did before, so I guess I was waiting to see if people were happy with
| general approach, before fully integrating it.
In the call yesterday, there were no issues raised with the way provenance
service was being used. I may have some comments on it (will send separate email
on Sec 4+). We may want to bring this up in the next call?
| > *) One confusion I had was that a provenance service URI may also be used to
| > dereference a provenance URI (e.g if the provenance URI were a
| > Re-reading the Concepts, it was not the case and it was only used to query
| > context-URI. Not sure if an explicit disambiguation is required.
| I'm not sure I understand the concern/confusion here.  I am guessing this
| to the fact that, as defined, a provenance-service can return either
| provenance-URIs, provenance information or both.  Cf. section 4.1.  I'm still
| not sure that both these cases are needed, as they do represent a degree of
| overlapping functionality, but I can't say which one (if any) might be
| If this is not it, can you give a more con crete example?
The provenance service is currently a provenance discovery service (i.e. mapping
from context URI to provenance URI) rather than a provenance URI dereferencing
service (i.e. mapping from provenance URI to a provenance URL). So currently, it
does not return provenance information, only provenance URI(s). 

Provenance providers may wish to assign a URN as the provenance URI and have the
provenance service map it to a URL. In such a case, having a "template" that
gives the provenance URL for a provenance URI may be useful. In fact, the
provenance URL may be present in a different host from the provenance service
itself. E.g. the very successful for dereferencing doi URNs comes to

| > - An additional option may be to embed the provenance information directly
| > within the metadata. I know Yolanda brought this up earlier
| >
| (
| ond_s
| > cope)
| Revised that para to read "For formats which have provision for including
| metadata within the file (e.g. JPEG images, PDF documents, etc.), use the
| format-specific metadata to include a context-URI, provenance-URI and/or
| service-URI. Format-specific metadata provision might also be used to include
| provenance information directly in the resource"
I wonder if we should have an equivalent of this for HTML too (i.e. embedding
provenance directly into the document). Luc did have a comment yesterday on the
call about provenance by values and by reference. This may be another issue to
consider if it is in scope or not.


| #g
| --
| > --Yogesh
| >
| > | -----Original Message-----
| > | From: [mailto:public-prov-wg-
| > | On Behalf Of Graham Klyne
| > | Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 7:21 AM
| > | To: Paul Groth; Yogesh Simmhan; W3C provenance WG
| > | Subject: PAQ document update, target renamed as context
| > |
| > | Hi,
| > |
| > | Following discussions with Paul, and also with reference to ISSUE 74
| > | (, I've made an editorial pass
| > | through the document to change references to "target" to "context", in
| > with
| > | RFC5988 usage.  I've renamed the corresponding link relation type to be
| > | "anchor", consistent with usage in defining the HTTP Link: header.
| > |
| > | I have also added a new sub-section in the introduction which discusses
| > | relationship between resources, contexts and provenance, which I believe
| > | captures the essence of discussions particularly between myself and Paul.
| > | There's probably some remaining work to align or connect this with
| > | in the Model document, but my immediate focus has been to try to capture
| > | essential details as they affect provenance access.
| > |
| > |
| >
| access.html#provenance--
| > | context-and-resources
| > |
| > | #g
| > | --
| > |
| >
| >
| >

Received on Friday, 19 August 2011 18:06:50 UTC