Re: updates to PAQ doc for discussion


My main concern reading sections 1 and 3, is the use of both resource 
and target entity. I understand that the idea is that a web resources 
may be associated with multiple target entities, and that there is a 
need to identify which target the provenance describes. However, having 
to go through the two levels resource then entity is a bit confusing, 
specially for a reader is not aware of the discussions that we had about 
the two concepts.

Suggestion: Would it be really bad if we confine ourselves to the 
provenance vocabulary and describe how the provenance of an Entity, as 
opposed to a resource, can be accessed?

Other comments:

- In the definition of a resource, it said that "a resource may be 
associated with multiple targets". It would be good if we could clarify 
this relationship a bit more.

- I find the definition of provenance information a bit vague, the body 
of the definition says pretty much the same thing as the title of the 
definition. If we don't have a better idea of what can be said, it is 
probably better to remove it.

In Section 3, Second paragraph, "Once provenance information 
information" -> "once provenance information"

In the same paragraph: "one needs how to identify" -> "one needs to know 
how to identify".


On 10/08/2011 20:37, Paul Groth wrote:
> Hi All,
> Graham and I have been making some changes to the PAQ document [1] 
> that we would like to request feedback on at tomorrow's telecon.
> In particular, we have updated Sections 1 and 3. We've added a section 
> on core concepts and made section 3 reflect these concepts. We think 
> this may address PROV-ISSUE-46 [2].
> Please take a look and let us know what you think.
> Thanks,
> Paul
> Note: Section 4 Provenance discovery service is still under heavy editing
> [1] 
> [2]

Received on Thursday, 11 August 2011 14:13:34 UTC