from August 2021 by subject

[EXTERNAL] Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2021-08-11

[EXTERNAL] Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2021-08-25

Advice for path forward

Call for Participation: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Charter Approved; Join APA WG

EPUB 3 text to speech enhancements 1.0- Pronunciation - FYI

Group updates and Technical Demos for TPAC 2021

Minutes : Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2021-08-25

minutes: [EXTERNAL] Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2021-08-11

Minutes: Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2021-08-18

Note on TTS has been published

Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2021-08-04

Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2021-08-11

Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2021-08-18

Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2021-08-25

pronunciation-tf-ACTION-33: Create a paragraph for i18n

pronunciation-tf-ACTION-34: Provide difficult examples of literary text from different historical periods for better pronunciation technology

Last message date: Wednesday, 25 August 2021 15:26:44 UTC