Re: Group updates and Technical Demos for TPAC 2021

Dominique Hazael-Massieux writes:
> Dear Chairs,
> As in previous years [1], as part of TPAC, Marie-Claire Forgue and I are
> calling for W3C groups to produce short videos to share updates from
> your group's work and/or technical demos illustrating the latest
> developments in your groups that would benefit from being shared with
> the broader W3C community. These videos can also serve as background
> material for some of the TPAC breakouts and group meetings.
> If someone in your group is willing to record such a video, please
> contact us with the name of the volunteer by September 15 (sooner is
> better); for demos, we will also want a proposed title of the demo and
> ideally a description of what the demo will be about. We would then
> expect to receive the recorded videos by September 27th for publication
> after post-processing around October 1st.
> Based on the experience from last year, we've built a collection of best
> practices to help build impactful videos (esp. demos):
> We're also happy to receive suggestion for additional best practices
> that you think would help improve this effort.
> Many thanks for your contributions in bringing more exposure to the
> import work your groups are pushing forward!
> Dom
> 1.


Janina Sajka

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Received on Wednesday, 25 August 2021 14:13:23 UTC