Alan Reeve
- Re: [EXTERNAL] Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2021-08-25
- Re: [EXTERNAL] Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2021-08-11
Ali, Irfan
- Minutes : Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2021-08-25
- Minutes: Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2021-08-18
- Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2021-08-18
- minutes: [EXTERNAL] Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2021-08-11
- Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2021-08-11
- EPUB 3 text to speech enhancements 1.0- Pronunciation - FYI
Dyer, Dee
- RE: [EXTERNAL] Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2021-08-25
- RE: [EXTERNAL] Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2021-08-11
Janina Sajka
- Re: Group updates and Technical Demos for TPAC 2021
- Call for Participation: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Charter Approved; Join APA WG
John Foliot
- Re: Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2021-08-25
- Re: EPUB 3 text to speech enhancements 1.0- Pronunciation - FYI
Paul Grenier
- Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2021-08-25
- Advice for path forward
- Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2021-08-04