Draft IG Charter -- Your Comments, Please

It's been a while since the privacy and policy languages workshop
last October.  We're now initiating the process to launch the
Interest Group that was discussed toward the end of the workshop.  A
draft charter is available online:

We're looking for your informal feed-back and comments; simple
expressions of interest are also welcome and useful.

As usual, an Interest Group is a forum that provides infrastructure
for building up a community.  An Interest Group *can* produce
deliverables in the form of Interest Group Notes or workshops, or
propose further work.  However, it cannot engage in Recommendation
Track Work by itself.

From the draft charter's scope section:

  The Policy Interest Group is designed as a forum to support
  researchers, developers, solution providers, and users of policy
  languages such as XACML (eXtensible Access Control Markup
  Language) and P3P (W3C's Platform for Privacy Preferences
  Project). It provides a forum to enable broader collaboration,
  through use of email discussion, scheduled IRC topic chats, Wikis,
  and Weblog tools.

  The group will primarily focus on policy languages that are
  already specified and broadly address the privacy, access control,
  and obligation management areas; it is not expected to engage in
  the design of new policy or rule languages. It will work towards
  identifying obstacles to a joint deployment of such languages, and
  suggest requirements and technological enablers that may help
  overcome such obstacles.

  The Interest Group hosts discussions both of architectural and
  application interest; it will, in particular, consider use cases
  in the privacy, access control, identity management and obligation
  management areas. The group may explore the use of relevant
  technologies toward delivering interoperability frameworks for
  policy languages. Relevant technologies include Semantic Web
  technologies and the work of the W3C Rule Interchange Working

Please direct comments, input, and expressions of interest to the
workshop follow-up list at <public-privacy06ws@w3.org>.

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <tlr@w3.org>

Received on Tuesday, 8 May 2007 21:02:44 UTC