Re: Draft IG Charter -- Your Comments, Please

Hi Thomas,

Here is a 'simple expression of interest' to start with -
but only because I'm cirtically short of time this week.

I do hope to contribute more fully as you move this
forward, and will look at the draft charter next week.

Best wishes,


Thomas Roessler wrote:

>It's been a while since the privacy and policy languages workshop
>last October.  We're now initiating the process to launch the
>Interest Group that was discussed toward the end of the workshop.  A
>draft charter is available online:
>We're looking for your informal feed-back and comments; simple
>expressions of interest are also welcome and useful.
>As usual, an Interest Group is a forum that provides infrastructure
>for building up a community.  An Interest Group *can* produce
>deliverables in the form of Interest Group Notes or workshops, or
>propose further work.  However, it cannot engage in Recommendation
>Track Work by itself.
>From the draft charter's scope section:
>  The Policy Interest Group is designed as a forum to support
>  researchers, developers, solution providers, and users of policy
>  languages such as XACML (eXtensible Access Control Markup
>  Language) and P3P (W3C's Platform for Privacy Preferences
>  Project). It provides a forum to enable broader collaboration,
>  through use of email discussion, scheduled IRC topic chats, Wikis,
>  and Weblog tools.
>  The group will primarily focus on policy languages that are
>  already specified and broadly address the privacy, access control,
>  and obligation management areas; it is not expected to engage in
>  the design of new policy or rule languages. It will work towards
>  identifying obstacles to a joint deployment of such languages, and
>  suggest requirements and technological enablers that may help
>  overcome such obstacles.
>  The Interest Group hosts discussions both of architectural and
>  application interest; it will, in particular, consider use cases
>  in the privacy, access control, identity management and obligation
>  management areas. The group may explore the use of relevant
>  technologies toward delivering interoperability frameworks for
>  policy languages. Relevant technologies include Semantic Web
>  technologies and the work of the W3C Rule Interchange Working
>  Group.
>Please direct comments, input, and expressions of interest to the
>workshop follow-up list at <>.


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Robin Wilton

Corporate Architect - Federated Identity
CTO Office (Business Alliances)
Tel: +44 (0)705 005 2931

Received on Thursday, 10 May 2007 14:48:06 UTC