Re: On the european response to Snowden

> On Jan 27, 2015, at 11:46 , Mike O'Neill <> wrote:
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> There is also a international dimension, with transatlantic agreements on privacy,  cybersecurity and surveillance being publically discussed, and it is clear these things are interrelated, addressing one will always involve consideration of the others.
> There does not have to be a trade-off, no need to forgo privacy for the sake of security. We should be able to build a system with them all.
> What is needed is a clearly expressed “statement of requirements” i.e. we want to protect privacy and security within a transparent and democratically  accountable framework which, for example, allows law enforcement to do its job (using warranted surveillance if necessary), but rules out mass surveillance.  Because the net knows no borders there has to be a transnational component.
> The W3C could then do its part helping to create the necessary protocols and standards, while the politicians take charge of the oversight process and creating the legal environment.

If you have even vague visions for what protocols and standards could help here, could you sketch them out?

David Singer
Manager, Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Tuesday, 27 January 2015 10:50:19 UTC