Re: Planning to close Print and Page Layout Community Group due to inactivity unless we hear from you

On 16/03/2023 06:57, Christoph Päper wrote:
> For many companies, XML+CSS and HTML+CSS obviously do work as the 
> technologies for processes to generate professional print products.
> For others, XSL-FO does as well.

True.  For some, 'as well' means 'instead of', and for others, it means

> I’m not sure it’s a good idea to have the same Community Group trying
> to advance both, CSS and XSL. It feels like the focus of most members
> has been on the latter.

No-one really knows what the focus is for most members.  As with many
groups on the internet, there's a vocal few and a mostly silent majority.

This CG isn't like the Northern Ireland Assembly, where you need to
designate your identity when you become a member. [1]  Does anyone want

Actually, I've been reminded from the archive [4] that in 2013/14, more
members wanted XSL-FO to be secondary or something that just happened
rather than the primary focus.  We just haven't been very good at
discussing much at all since then.  About the most successful thing that
we did do was to upvote some CSS issues on caniuse. [5]

> What’s clear to me, though, is that the goals and processes of the
> CSS WG are way too browser-centric. For instance, I tried to get more
> page size keywords standardized, because many CSS to PDF engines
> already support extensions to the available set, but are not fully
> interoperable – although it’s a rather uncontroversial topic and
> trivial to implement, it’s been stale for years.
> <> I wish this CG
> would somehow help with preparing and advancing [css-page]
> proposals.

There was some discussion over a couple of months in 2015 about Johannes
Wilm's proposals for page floats in CSS. [2]  I haven't found that
anybody brought a CSS proposal here between then and now.

There's also the CSS Print CG [3] (which multiple people here supported
the creation of when it was proposed at XML Prague 2020), but it
flatlined soon after it started.  You could also take your proposal
there to see if it gets a response.




Received on Saturday, 18 March 2023 16:03:13 UTC