Additional standard paper keywords [Was: Planning to close Print and Page Layout Community Group due to inactivity unless we hear from you]

On 16/03/2023 06:57, Christoph Päper wrote:
> What’s clear to me, though, is that the goals and processes of the 
> CSS WG are way too browser-centric. For instance, I tried to get
> more

You were put in your place over that in 2017. [1]  Browser-centric
obviously works for the CSS WG, otherwise it would stagnate, change, or
its members would wander off.

> page size keywords standardized, because many CSS to PDF engines 
> already support extensions to the available set, but are not fully 
> interoperable – although it’s a rather uncontroversial topic and 
> trivial to implement, it’s been stale for years.
> <>

> I wish this CG would somehow help with preparing and advancing 
> [css-page] proposals.

I see that you have raised issues with some CSS formatters.  Would it be
useful to start a caniuse issue about this as a central place to gauge
support for the idea?

Would it be useful (though verbose) to promulgate a CSS style sheet
module that defines CSS variables for the height and width values for
each keyword, where people could either import the whole module or just
copy the definitions that they need?  If people find that useful, they
might also agitate for more standard keywords.  If they don't, then
that's your answer.




Received on Saturday, 18 March 2023 16:34:11 UTC