Re: Comments on Nov-14 WD for ITS IG


Thanks for this welcome comment. I just created a little POWDER doc with 
some multi-lingual elements [1] as a test example. I would add 
<displaytext> to your list of elements that should support localisation. 
It validates just fine - there's no reason for it not to - but I and the 
others responsible for building our demo processors may have to do a bit 
of work. If I run a query through my own processor [2] then the tags are 
reproduced but they've lost their xml:lang attributes (bad). The second 
displaytext element has gone altogether. This follows from a line in the 
DR doc [3] that says: "Since a DR can contain any number of 
descriptorset elements and therefore any number of displaytext and 
displayicon elements, exactly how, or whether, these are displayed is up 
to the application. As a result, DR publishers are strongly advised to 
include no more than one displaytext and displayicon per DR."

We'll need to change that slightly to take account of localisation to 
something like:

Since a DR can contain any number of descriptorset elements and 
therefore any number of displaytext and displayicon elements, exactly 
how, or whether, these are displayed is up to the application. As a 
result, DR publishers are strongly advised to include no more than one 
displaytext and displayicon per DR except where different language 
versions are provided and identified using an xml:lang attribute.

We're very restrictive on attributes and child elements from other 
namespaces in several places, notably the IRI set definitions, as it's 
important to keep the semantics under control. However, all the textual 
elements are essentially annotations and so need not be restricted.

Thanks for your help!


[3] See 2 paragraphs above

Yves Savourel wrote:
> Dear POWDER editors
> The ITW Interest Group has looked at the "Protocol for Web Description Resources (POWDER): Description Resources W3C Working Draft -
> 14 November 2008" and we have the following comments:
> A) Several tags of POWDER can contain translate text. We suggest to add a small appendix where the ITS rules for POWDER would be
> defined. Such rules would allow any user/tool who want to perform linguistic actions on the file (translate it comments,
> spell-check, it, etc.) to know what content should be looked at.
> The appendix could be something like this:
> ==========
> Appendix: Localization
> Textual content of POWDER documents may be subject to linguistic-related processes, such as translation, spell-checking, etc. The
> W3C Internationalization Tag Set provides a way to define what parts of a document has textual content, using a rules document. The
> following possible ITS rules document for POWDER indicates that only the elements tag, label and comment have textual content.
> <its:rules version="1.0"
>  xmlns:its=""
>  xmlns:p="">
>  <its:translateRule translate="no" selector="//p:powder"/>  
>  <its:translateRule translate="yes" selector="//p:tag|//p:label|//p:comment"/>
> </its:rules>
> ==========
> B) In addition we were also wondering if tag, comment and label are allowed to have non-POWDER attributes. It does not seem to be
> defined in the schema. It would be a good thing to allow ITS attributes in those elements to enable users to add
> localization-specific information directly in their POWDER documents: xml:lang, its:translate, etc.)
> Kind regards,
> -Yves Savourel for the ITS IG.

Phil Archer

Received on Thursday, 18 December 2008 13:53:27 UTC