Re: aria-modal (Was: @inert and @aria-inert for disambiguating modal states)

Alex wrote:

> I'm up for role="dialog" + aria-modal="true" approach.

Regarding mappings:

ATK/AT-SPI and IA2 provide a STATE_MODAL.  STATE_MODAL is documented as 
a property of an object; that is, the modal state is not confined to the 
dialog role.  That's something to keep in mind if we decide that 
@aria-modal applies to roles other than dialog.

Regarding UIA, there is a IsModal property for the Window control 
pattern.  Likewise, AX has a ModalAttribute for window objects.  It 
appears modal-ness is confined to the window role and its sub-roles for 
these platforms.  Cynthia and James, can you comment?

Hope that's useful.


'Array(16).join("wat" - 1) + " Batman!"'
            - G. Bernhardt -

Received on Friday, 7 November 2014 17:54:22 UTC