Re: ARIA Test Cases 86 and 87 are invalid

Selection following focus means that if you set focus on an element in the
container that it's selected state changes to "true" versus setting the
focus on an element in the container and the author having to apply
aria-selected="true" if they so desire. In the latter case selection
following focus is optional.

Michael and I felt that the UAIG was unclear as to what the user agent
should do in response to focus changes within specific containers.


Rich Schwerdtfeger

From:	Joseph Scheuhammer <>
To:	Richard Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS, David Bolter
Date:	09/19/2013 03:09 PM
Subject:	Re: ARIA Test Cases 86 and 87 are invalid

Hi Rich, et al.

I wrote a reply on another thread, but I think it's apropos here. Also,
adding David B to the To: list.

Rich wrote:

> the UAIG in section 5.8.3 has mappings for selection following focus
> and for when the author sets aria-selected directly. Michael and I
> discussed this and we agree that you appear to have added an
> additional requirement beyond the ARIA spec. that selection MUST
> follow focus for gridcells and rows in a grid.

That's not how I interpret it.  The section in 5.8.3 concerns multiple
selection situations.  The associated table's left hand column is
labelled "Scenario".  That has the sense of a conditional.  Thus, it
does NOT say "selection MUST follow focus". What it says is "*If*
selection follow focus, then the user agent MUST fire the following

Of course, my reading might be wrong.  I didn't write this section. It
was there long before I became editor.  Could those who were there chime

Also, I don't know precisely what "selection follows focus" means. One
possibility is if the author adds an onfocus script that sets
aria-selected to "true" -- would that qualify as "selection follows focus"?


'A: After all, it isn't rocket science.'
'K: Right. It's merely computer science.'
              - J. D. Klaun -

Received on Friday, 20 September 2013 12:45:38 UTC