Re: ARIA Test Cases 86 and 87 are invalid

Hi Alex,

Two questions.  You wrote (my emphasis):

> when focused
> item is changed then previously focused (unfocused) item gets
> aria-selected="false", currently focused item gets
> aria-selected="true", in other words, *only focused item is selected*.

This discussion is within the context of a container that supports 
multiselection -- the second table in section 5.8.3 [1].  If only the 
focused item is selected, that sounds like a single selection scenario.  
How does "selection follows focus" work in a context where multiple 
items can be selected?

Secondly, I outlined a script to switch the sense of aria-selected based 
on focus events:

> One possibility is if the author adds an onfocus script that sets 
> aria-selected to "true"

Does that qualify as a "selection follows focus" scenario?


'A: After all, it isn't rocket science.'
'K: Right. It's merely computer science.'
              - J. D. Klaun -

Received on Friday, 20 September 2013 13:21:50 UTC