Mini editorial comment son the QRG

Hi Jie,

just tiny thing (just in time before tonight's vote on the QRG:-)

- Section 1, table on notational conventions, first column last entry: a
missing opening '(' is missing...

- You've put, in section 2.2, a link to

in the functional syntax cell for named object property; you should
probably do the same in 2.1 for the named class for symmetry

- Section 2.5, table on Assertions, there is a missing link to the
primer for 'individual equality' (the link is actually identical to the
one for inequality)

- In the same table you have a line for 'positive inverse object
property assertion'. I am not 100% sure it is necessary to have it
there, it seems to reflect the combination of other things in the
functional syntax, and the RDF version is, well, trivial...

- Section 2.8, line on prefix declaration: the "@prefix p U." cell for
RDF syntax might be misunderstood. The way to set the prefix depends on
the serialization and this entry suggests that this is a generic RDF
syntax for it (which is not). I would suggest to leave the cell entry or
put a note into it saying that this depends on RDF serialization... (eg,
SPARQL uses a different syntax...)




Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153
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Received on Wednesday, 27 May 2009 12:45:07 UTC