Re: First Look version of the test collection for the RDF-Based Semantics

On 27 May 2009, at 10:12, Michael Schneider wrote:

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [ 
>> ]
>> On Behalf Of Bijan Parsia
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2009 10:13 PM
>> To: OWL 1.1
>> Subject: Re: First Look version of the test collection for the RDF- 
>> Based
>> Semantics
>> Uhm.
>> How is this going to integrate into the current test suite?
> Seamlessly.


> What you see there is the "source code" of the tests. They will be  
> translated into the format used in the Test Wiki (according to what  
> is described in the "Conformance" document), and then being uploded  
> there. So there will be absolutely no difference to what is already  
> around: One test, one entry in the Test Wiki.

Ok, that's reassuring.

>> I don't
>> think anyone had any notion that the RDF-Based semantics would go off
>> and do it's own thing (to the point of having a *generator*!?! in the
>> mix).
> There is nothing different. There is, of course, a common naming  
> scheme: all test cases start by "rdfbased-...". And they will be  
> marked with the "RDFBASED" flag, and whatever is needed according to  
> the test ontology to say that they are specifically intended to be  
> used for implementations of the RDF-Based Semantics. But nothing else.
> Except for: I will, on the fly, generate an overview page, which  
> will point to all the test cases in the Test Wiki and provide  
> additional describing texts. But that's just for convenience of  
> people who care, and is only planned as a page in the OWL Wiki (not  
> necessarily in the Test Wiki), at the address I gave in my previous  
> mail.

I see. That's the part that was confusing me. Thanks for the  

>> I find it very very very surprising and, coming at this late date,
>> it's the sort of surprising that is grumpy making.
> It's certainly late, but not too late, I'd say. Test suite  
> production is what is currently happening in our WG.

No no. I'm all for tests, but it seemed like you were proposing a  
separate (rec track) test document. You aren't. I'm all for additional  
documentation in the wiki, for sure.

>> Or is this not meant to be part of our documents? That's much less
>> grumpy making. But that's hard to square with other things you've
>> written about these tests...
> I'm not sure what you mean by "part of our documents". It is simply  
> meant to be yet another bunch of test cases in the test wiki,  
> specifically addressing OWL 2 Full.

I meant the overview page. I think I've got it and it's all cool.


Received on Wednesday, 27 May 2009 09:18:05 UTC