Re: Status of OWL 2 XML Serialization

On 19 May 2009, at 20:15, Sandro Hawke wrote:

>> On 19 May 2009, at 19:03, Alan Ruttenberg wrote:
>>> I think this can be worked around by instead of wrapping the  
>>> schema in
>>> <pre> tags, instead putting a space in front of each line in the
>>> source that doesn't already start with a space.
>> I already tried this and pretty much every other way. It doesn't
>> produce acceptable results. Don't bother.
>>> The whitespace should be ignored by schema readers, and the initial
>>> space forces the line to be preformatted.
>>> I'm still looking for a cleaner solution.
>> The simple solution is to pick a different temporary URI for
>> the download and copy the schema there after stripping off the URI. I
>> don't see why this can't be done :)
> I'm not sure I fully understand, but yes, let's stop fighting with the
> wiki.  I'm guessing someone should maintain the master copy of the
> schema.  And they should:
>      - paste it into whatever wiki page(s) it need(s) to be in, quoted
>        as necessary, whenever it changes;
>      - send me a new copy to put at the namespace, whenever necessary.
> The live-from-the-wiki trick seemed worth a try, but it's not worth a
> lot of hassle.

The current live-from-the-wiki schema is, minus the pre tags, *the*  
current schema. So could  you put it where you're going to put it?

Once I have that uri, I can update the wiki page with the new  
download link.

If it's cvs controlled, I suppose I could take over managing it  


Received on Tuesday, 19 May 2009 19:29:40 UTC