review of Document Overview

		Review of "Document Overview"


Very close to being suitable for LC.


I don't see any need for the "part 1 of <very large number>" section of
the abstract. 

1/ Introductio:n


"This document provides a high-level overview of OWL 2 and serves as a
roadmap for the documents that define and describe OWL 2."

2/ Overview:

Could remove the subsection headers, as the subsections are all very

Change "Note that many users ... could ..." to "Most users ... would

Figure 1:  RDF-Based Semantics

Remove EdNote on GRDDL.

2.2/ Syntaxes:

Remove "It must be emphasized, ...." as it just repeats stuff from the
previous paragraph.

The table just repeats stuff from Figure 1 - remove it.

2.3/ Semantics:

Add to end of third paragraph:

  ''OWL 2 Full'' is used informally to refer to RDF graphs considered as OWL
  2 ontologies and interpreted using the RDF-based semantics.  

Maybe add (although I don't think that it is necessary):

  ''OWL 2 DL'' is used informally to refer to OWL 2 DL ontologies
  interpreted using the direct semantics.

2.4/ Profiles:

Remove Figure 2, as it serves no useful purpose.

3/ Differences

Could remove the subsection headers, as the subsections are all very

Change "albeit under a possibly different name." to 
       "albeit possibly under different names."

Remove "; it also has a formal equivalence to UML [UML]."
       This is just *wrong*.  

      Just put this stuff elsewhere (perhaps in Primer).

4/ Roadmap

All names of documents should link to the document.

Remove the editor's note, as we expect everything to be a WD this time.

Document Overview.
  A guide to the OWL 2 documents and a high-level overview of OWL 2.

Replace the Note: with "(WG Note)" in the two appropriate lines.

Received on Monday, 30 March 2009 21:18:29 UTC