Review of QRG (Action 307)

Status (2nd paragraph)
- it would be better tro have Syntax first and Primer next, since it's
a guide to the different documents and Syntax has normative content.
- suggested sentence like:
-> The Quick Reference Guide provides links into other documents that
it is intended to complement, particularly  the Syntax document for
more details of syntax, the OWL 2 Primer for examples, and the New
Features and Rationale document for the new features of OWL 2 .

Structure of the document
I'm not convinced by the proposed strutcuration. Since QRG is a guide
to other documents (IMO) it would be prefered to follow the structure
of OWL 2 SS - that is to separate entities (class/properties) and
axioms (class/properties) in different sections.
However,  if  you want to keep this organization with class
expressions and axioms together, I suggest to slightly reorganize and
e to rename the subsections for example like:

2.1 Classes
2.1.1 Class Expressions
- Boolean Connectives and Enumeration of Individuals
- Object Property Restriction
- Object Property Cardinality Restrictions
- Data Property Restrictions
- Data Property Cardinality Restrictions
2.1.2 Class Axioms
Subclass, Equivalent, Disjoint , Disjoint Union of Classes Axioms

2. 2 Properties
2.2.1 Property Expressions
- Object Property Expressions
- Data Property Expressions
2.2.2 Property Axioms
- Object Property Axioms
*Subproperties, Equivalent, Disjoint, Inverse Properties
*Domain, Range
*Properties characteristics
(Functional, Inverse-Functional Reflexive, Irreflexive , Symmetric ,
Asymmetric , Transitive Properties)
- Data Property Axioms
*Subproperties, Equivalent, Disjoint
*Domain, Range
*Functional Properties
- Datatype Definitions
- Keys
2.2.3 Data Ranges
- Intersection, Union, Complement of Data Ranges
- Enumeration of Literals
- Datatype Restrictions

2. 3 Declaration

2.4 Assertions

2.5 Annotations


- all duplicated titles should be removed

- 2 OWL/OWL 2 Vocabulary
The title 2 OWL/OWL 2 Vocabulary does not brings much. I'd remove this
level and start directly with 2.1 Classes
If you really want to keep it, change the title to  "OWL 2 vocabulary"
or "OWL 2 constructs and axioms"

Notations and display
- I'd suggest to follow the notations used in the Syntax e.g. OPE, DPE
for object property expression, etc. This would make easier a smooth
transition to the SS document and would also be more consistent with
NF&R notations which has adopted the same conventions as the syntax

"CE" is a Class Expression, "DR" is a data range, "OPE1" and "OPE2"
are object property expressions, "DPE1" and "DPE2" are data property
expressions, "a" is an OWL individual, "lt1" and "lt2" are literals,
"n" is a non-negative integer. All names may have subscripts.
"(lt1 ... ltn)" stands for a *set*.

-  remove all 4th columns which are no more necessay with conventions

- (to be consistent with other docs) for bnode better to use _:x than x

New features
having the whole line in a lighter grey or in another color is OK, but
a different font would not be enough clear
you may replace braces by a circle or square -> have a question mark
within a circle/square for links to NF&R

2.1.1 everywhere change [ ..   ] by ( )
intersectionOf [ C1 ... Cn ]. -> intersectionOf (C1 ... Cn )
Moreover [ C1 ... Cn ] is not a *list* but a *set* of concepts

- Remove : Every owl:Restriction is an owl:Class.

- I would change the order and put qualified card restrictions first
- have only 2 lines for each:

if C is missing
x owl:cardinality n.
if C presents
x owl:qualifiedCardinality n.
x owl:onClass C.


x owl:qualifiedCardinality n.
x owl:onClass C               (with C)

x owl:cardinality n.
if C presents                   (without C)

- same as 2.1.2
-  In Restrictions Using n-ary Data Properties
there are 2 different notions to give (IMO): "n-ary
universal/existential" and n-ary data range "Dn"
- appelation 'n-ary' universal/existential should be changed ->
existential, and quantified restrictions on mutiple data properties.
cf. DataSomeValuesFrom( DPE1 ... DPEn DR ) consists of n data property
expressions DPEi, 1 ˜ i ˜ n, and a data range DR whose arity MUST be n

- typo: remove  can be con be

 -> All datatypes (rdfs:Datatype) are unary data ranges. Complex data
ranges are constructed from data types and other data ranges.

2.3.1 -2.3.2- 2.3.4
- remove column 4

- Update HasKey syntax:
HasKey( { A } CE ( OPE1 ... 0PEm ) ( DPE1 ... DPEm ) )

- NF&R  link is broken

- it would be more friendly if you use "a" rather than  "i" for
indiviuduals (see proposed notations )  :

ij owl:sameAs ij+1.-> aj owl: sameAs  aj+1

- not sure this section is needed, I'd remove it
- see also previous comment on [.. ] convention

- suggest to distinguish (like in NF&R) :
Annotation of IRI or anonymous individual
Annotation of axiom
Axioms on annotation properties

- Remove Global Restrictions on Axioms in OWL 2 DL

- Facets should be at the same place than Datatype restriction
- and a single section, entitled for example like 'Extended
datatypes',  might gather both unary and n-ary datatypes

- Unary Datatype
*Built-in Datatypes
*Datatype Restriction and Facets.

- N-ary datatype (non in OWL 2)


Received on Wednesday, 25 March 2009 11:13:47 UTC