Re: Review of QRG (Action 307)

On 25 Mar 2009, at 11:13, Christine Golbreich wrote:

> Status (2nd paragraph)
> --------------
> - it would be better tro have Syntax first and Primer next, since it's
> a guide to the different documents and Syntax has normative content.
> - suggested sentence like:
> -> The Quick Reference Guide provides links into other documents that
> it is intended to complement, particularly  the Syntax document for
> more details of syntax, the OWL 2 Primer for examples, and the New
> Features and Rationale document for the new features of OWL 2 .
> Structure of the document
> ---------------------------------
> I'm not convinced by the proposed strutcuration. Since QRG is a guide
> to other documents (IMO)

It is not my understanding that the QRG has anything to do with other  
documents, at least, in its primary purpose. The purpose of the QRG is  
to be a simple, one page, doublesided reference card/cheat sheet.

It was directly modeled on:

I would vigorously oppose any scope creep or retargeting.

I hope this clarifies matters for you, Christine. I don't know if this  
information changes your review in any way, but if the restructuring  
is based on a misunderstanding of the purpose of the QRG, then I would  
urge reconsideration of that feedback.


Received on Friday, 27 March 2009 09:52:58 UTC