RE: would a semantics by any other name look as formal?

Hi Peter!

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider []
>Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2009 12:52 AM
>To: Michael Schneider
>Subject: would a semantics by any other name look as formal?
>  The RDF-Based Semantics document should use "RDF-based semantics"
>  uniformly when talking about the semantics that it defines.

Yes, this is actually what I plan to do. The Document Overview calls it that way throughout the document, and therefore the RDF Based Semantics document should also call it this way, to avoid confusion. I have an ednote on this at the beginning of the document, and will change this as soon as I consider the document to be complete in all other aspects (probably next week). 


>> With this in mind, in the RDF-Based Semantics document I have used the
>>term "OWL 2 Full" exclusively to mean the /semantics/.
>I do not believe that "OWL Full" ever meant just the semantics.  My
>recollection is that "OWL Full" was always the combination of syntax and

Yes, I think so, too. I was never very happy with using "OWL 2 Full" for the semantics solely, but did not find a clear hint in the OWL 1 spec that could tell me how it was meant. Usages of "OWL Full" always sounded "very semantic" to me. I never came to the idea, though, that someone might think of OWL Full as only a syntax.

Skimming through your text fragments below, I can see a few relevant points:

Eliminating these limitations results in the full OWL language, 
called OWL Full, which has the same syntax as RDF.

Well, OWL Full is called a language here, but this might be seen as a vague statement. In any case, it is said that OWL Full /has/ a syntax. It's not said that OWL Full /is/ a syntax. So, according to this text, "OWL Full" can either mean the semantics or the whole langugage here.

On the other hand:

This document contains two formal semantics for OWL. 
The other, defined in Section 5, is a vocabulary extension of 
the RDF semantics [RDF Semantics] that provides semantics for OWL 
ontologies in the form of RDF graphs. Two versions of this second 
semantics are provided, 
and one that can be used in cases where classes
need to be treated as individuals or other situations that cannot be
handled in the abstract syntax (and is thus a semantics for OWL

This time it is said that the "other" semantics is a semantics /for/ OWL Full. It's /not/ said that OWL Full /is/ a semantics. So, according to this text, "OWL Full" can either mean the syntax or the whole language here.

Taken both texts together, the only possible consistent result is "whole language". :-)

But let's look at a few other examples:

>Appendix A contains a proof that the direct and RDFS-compatible
>semantics have the same consequences on OWL ontologies that correspond
>to abstract OWL ontologies that separate OWL individuals, OWL classes,
>OWL properties, and the RDF, RDFS, and OWL structural
>vocabulary. Appendix A also contains the sketch of a proof that the
>entailments in the RDFS-compatible semantics for OWL Full include all
>the entailments in the RDFS-compatible semantics for OWL DL. Finally a
>few examples of the various concepts defined in the document are
>presented in Appendix B.

I think, from this text it becomes pretty clear that there was always a clear distinction between the two semantics and the two things that have been called "OWL XX". Such a distinction is what I prefer for the successor of OWL Full, either.

>There are two different styles of using OWL. In the more free-wheeling
>style, called OWL Full, the three parts of the OWL universe are
>identified with their RDF counterparts, namely the class extensions of
>rdfs:Resource, rdfs:Class, and rdf:Property. 
>Both styles of OWL provide entailments

So we read: "In OWL Full, parts of the OWL universe are identified..." and "OWL Full provides entailments". I think, this clearly cancels out any idea that OWL 1 Full could have ever been meant as a syntax (RDF Graphs) only. 

And so on...

So, what I believe to see from the texts is just what you say in the beginning of your mail: That OWL Full was meant to be the language consisting of a syntax and a semantics. Neither semantics alone, nor syntax alone. 

>I expect that it is best not to conflate OWL 2 Full with the RDF-Based
>Semantics.  The Direct Semantics document is careful not to make this
>conflation, and uses "Direct Semantics" or some variant thereof when
>referring to its semantics.  I suggest that the RDF-Based Semantics
>document go this way, and use "RDF-Based Semantics" when referring to
>the semantics it defines.

Fully agreed!

I think that it might even be possible to refrain from ever talking about the "OWL 2 Full" language in the whole document, but I have to check, when later working through the document.

There is just a little point to be considered here, just for the case that you would like to see the term "OWL 2 Full" completely vanishing from the document: The old OWL 1 spec introduced terms such as "OWL Full interpretation" and "OWL Full entails". Obviously, I have "reused" these terms in the RDF-Based Semantics spec ("OWL 2 Full interpretation", and the like). What about these terms now? I would be pretty reluctant to deviate in the nomenclature from the old spec in this respect. A few simple Google queries show me that the original terms have already been used outside the old spec.


Dipl.-Inform. Michael Schneider
Research Scientist, Dept. Information Process Engineering (IPE)
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Received on Monday, 16 March 2009 21:48:49 UTC