ACTION-206 [Modify the OWL 2 specification to refer to rdf:text] completed


I've just completed my ACTION-206 by updating the OWL 2 spec to refer to rdf:text
( Below is the diff for the document:

I've also updated the Profiles to refer to rdf:text instead of owl:internationalizedString.

The rdf:text specification currently does not define any facets. Because of that, the OWL 2 specification repeats also the
definition of the value spaces and literals (I need this to be able to define the semantics of facets). Should the rdf:text
specification be extended to define the facets as well, I will then subsequently update the OWL 2 spec to simply refer to this
specification for all issues related to string datatypes.

Please let me know should you have any comments.



Received on Monday, 8 September 2008 15:27:16 UTC