Re: review of RIF-RDF-OWL (expert level)

Some of my draft comments which were made about bits of the documents I 
didn't understand are as follows, I have not included any of these in 
the draft WG comments.

2) Scope of review

I reviewed the document excluding the Appendices.

I have not read the other RIF documents, so am not competent
to review the interaction between this document and RIF.

I am not competent to review a few of the technical sections
to do with DL: specifically 3.1.1 and, (and more generally
3.2.2) were overly challenging for me, and this should not be
seen as a criticism of those sections.

8) end of para, under table 1, question

Does the sentence

This means that whenever a triple s p o is satisfied, the corresponding
RIF frame formula s'[p' -> o'] is satisfied, and vice versa.

adequately take account of CWA and OWA divergences between the

19) 3.1, para2, question

Specifically, the only terms allowed in class and property positions in
frame formulas are constant symbols.

does this interact OK with the syntactic restrictions that define OWL DL?
I am wondering whether there are possible RIF/OWL DL combinations that
would be unfortunate for OWL DL implementors ...

I may simply not have understood this text enough. If you are happy that
the answer to my question is that I have misunderstood that's OK.

20) first definition, question

I did not understand this section, not being the target audience.
However, I wondered whether "if a!=IC(rdf:type) then b in Dind" was what
was intended. It didn't quite feel right, but then I am picking at
something without having understood properly.

"yes - it is right" would be the ideal response.

Received on Tuesday, 6 May 2008 17:41:00 UTC