Agenda for F2F3 (Cambridge, MA, 28-29 July 2008)

The agenda can be found at [1] and is copied below.

Please note that, as at the last F2F, we are hoping to resolve many  
of the outstanding issues. If you won't be at the meeting, please try  
to join via dial-in or IRC.



  Day 1

     * 09:00 - 09:15 Welcome, local arrangements, introductions
     * 09:15 - 10:45 Roadmap, Review of Publication Schedule
           o Review timeline
           o Choices we need to make and schedule before feature  
freeze, Last Call
     * 10:45 - 11:15 Coffee
     * 11:15 - 13:00 Outstanding feature decisions: Profiles
           o OWL-R proposals
                 + Issue 131 We should unify OWL-R DL and OWL-R Full  
                 + Issue 116 Should Axiomatic Triples added to OWL-R  
           o DL-Lite - nail down outstanding options
                 + Issue 133 DL-Lite Profile modified to include UNA
           o Names of the profiles
                 + Issue 108 Need to name the OWL Profiles
           o Other profile issues
                 + Issue 111 There's no way to signal the intended  
semantics of an OWL document
                 + Issue 130 Conformance, warnings, errors
     * 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
     * 14:00 - 15:45 Outstanding feature decisions: Datatypes
           o Number types
                 + Issue 87 Adding a datatype to represent rational  
           o Strings and literals
                 + Issue 71 create datarange of literals matching  
given language range
           o Date and time types
           o N-Ary
                 + Proposal and summary email
                 + Issue 127 documents contain bits of nary datatype  
but these are not yet in OWL 2
           o Other datatype issues
                 + Issue 126 The list of normative datatypes should  
be revisited
                 + Issue 132 Replace usage of "constant" with  
"literal" as defined by RDF and XML
     * 15:45 - 16:15 Coffee
     * 16:15 - 18:00 Outstanding feature decisions: Annotations
           o Bijan's "Rich Annotations" proposal
           o Alan's "Richer Annotations" proposal
           o Issue 16 Entity annotations status
     * 18:30 - 19:15 Drinks/Dinner

Day 2

     * 09:00 - 10:45 Other Outstanding Issues
           o Issue 56 Specify standard "repairs" for moving select  
RDF documents to OWL?
           o Issue 97 Add GRDDL to OWL/XML Syntax
           o Issue 104 OWL 1.1 DL does not have a disallowed vocabulary
           o Issue 109 What is the namespace for elements and  
attributes in the XML serialization?
           o Issue 114 Which combinations of punning should be allowed?
           o Issue 118 Should bNodes in OWL 2 DL have existential or  
skolem semantics?
           o Issue 129 Desirable to have rdf:list vocabulary  
available for use in modeling in OWL 2
     * 10:45 - 11:15 Coffee
     * 11:15 - 13:00 New documents: Use cases and Requirements & Full  
           o Review draft of Use Cases and Requirements
           o Review draft of Full Semantics
                 + Issue 119 OWL 2 Full may become inconsistent due  
to self restrictions
     * 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
     * 14:50 - 15:45 Current document status, work, publication planning
           o Current working drafts
                 + Structural Specification and Functional-Style  
Syntax (First Public Working Draft published 11 April 2008)
                 + Model-Theoretic Semantics (First Public Working  
Draft published 11 April 2008)
                 + Mapping to RDF Graphs (First Public Working Draft  
published 11 April 2008)
                 + XML Serialization (First Public Working Draft  
published 11 April 2008)
                 + Profiles (First Public Working Draft published 11  
April 2008)
                 + Primer (First Public Working Draft published 11  
April 2008)
           o Yet to be published
                 + Full Semantics
                 + Test Cases
                 + Use Cases and Requirements
                 + Quick Reference Guide
                 + Manchester Syntax
     * 15:45 - 16:15 Coffee
     * 16:15 - 18:00 Roadmap, Publication Schedule
           o Recap and further discussion of choices we need to make,  
actions, and schedule before Last Call

Received on Sunday, 20 July 2008 08:36:27 UTC