Re: Agenda for teleconference Wednesday January 23rd, 2008

I have made further editorial adjustments, and you may want to get  
the latest version on the wiki, but this is not essential.

  - no changes to the issues to be discussed.
  - added in line the action items to be reviewed
  - added pointer to punning issues/questions to punning agenda item
  - changed "ontology annotations"  in issue discussions to "backward  
compatibility nits" which better captures all three issues.
- added some more regrets
- raised the question of whether issue 74 is to be resolved along  
with issue 29, as the email to resolve discusses both, and subsequent  
action by Jeremy to specifically propose wording for 74 would seem to  
be moot in his later approval of the email


On Jan 22, 2008, at 11:18 AM, Ian Horrocks wrote:

> Please find appended the (slightly amended) agenda for this week.
> Teleconference.2008.01.23/Agenda
> Call in details
> If joining late please don't identify yourself verbally; instead,  
> Identify Yourself to ZAKIM on IRC
>     * Date of Call: Wednesday January 23, 2007
>     * Time of Call: 1800 UTC, 10:00AM (West US), 1:00PM (East US),  
> 18:00 (London), 19:00 (Paris)
>     * Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
>     * Dial-In #: + (Nice, France)
>     * Dial-In #: +44.117.370.6152 (Bristol, UK)
>     * Participant Access Code: 69594# (OWLWG)
>     * IRC Channel: port 6665 channel #owl  
> ([])
>     * Web-based IRC (member-only): 
> irc (Firefox IRC addon: chatzilla)
>     * Duration: 90 minutes
>     * Chair: Alan Ruttenberg
>     * Scribe: Scribe List
>     * Link to Agenda: 
> Teleconference.2008.01.23/Agenda
> Agenda
>     * ADMIN (15 min)
>           o Roll call
>           o Agenda amendments
>           o PROPOSED: Accept Minutes of 2008.01.09 teleconference
>           o PROPOSED: Accept Previous Minutes
>           o Action items status
>                 + Pending Review Actions
>                 + Overdue Actions
>     * Proposals to Resolve Issues (10 mins)
>           o PROPOSED: close (as POSTPONED) Issue 8 (dataproperty  
> chains) as per 
> 2008Jan/0122.html
>           o PROPOSED: close (as RESOLVED) Issue 15 (Ontologies  
> should not be required to include a URI) as per 
> Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Jan/0019.html
>           o PROPOSED: close (as RESOLVED) Issue 29 (ser-defined  
> Datatypes: owl:DataRange vs rdfs:Datatype) as per http:// 
> (see  
> also 
> 0147.html and thread)
>     * General Discussions (30 min)
>           o Punning may be useful for Metamodeling, narrow the gap  
> between DL and Full, and/or adversely affect OWL DL/Full  
> compatibility. Related issues include Issue 17 (role punning) Issue  
> 65 (excessive duplication of vocabulary) and Issue 69 (punning is  
> incompatible with OWL Full); see also 
> Public/public-owl-wg/2007Dec/0184.html, 
> Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2007Dec/0185.html and http:// 
> for a  
> detailed discussion of how typing and typed vocabulary interacts  
> with punning. To pun or not to pun (or how much to pun), that is  
> the question!
>     * Issues (15 min)
>           o Raised Issues
>           o Resolved Editorial Issues
>                 + Issue 93 RFC 3066 - Tags for the Identification  
> of Languages
>           o Issue Discussions
>                 + Ontology annotations: see Issue 90, Issue 91 and  
> Issue 91
>     * Additional other business (5 min)
> Next Week(s)
>     * General Discussions (not necessarily in this order)
>           o Fragments and Conformance
>           o Imports
>           o OWL 1.1 Full (see Mapping to RDF, OWL DL/Full  
> compatibility)
>           o Easy Keys
>           o Rich Annotations
> Regrets
>     * Martin Dzbor (conference abroad, invited talk)

Received on Wednesday, 23 January 2008 06:14:37 UTC