Re: Proposal and Test cases (Re: skolems: visible differences?)

On Thu, 2008-01-17 at 14:55 +0000, Jeremy Carroll wrote:

> so entailment with existential semantics is undecidable.
> I don't see this as a problem if we do not specify a conformance label 
> for entailment. We perhaps ought to have a disclaimer concerning 
> entailment and non-entailment tests to that effect.

This suggests to me that you consider interoperability with respect to
consistency tests more important than interoperability with respect to
entailment tests.  Is that in fact the case?  If so, why?

I understand that the 1.0 test document only defined semantic
conformance with respect to consistency, but don't know what motivated
that decision.  Can you (or others with webont history) provide some
pointers to background?

Mike Smith

Clark & Parsia

Received on Thursday, 17 January 2008 15:22:12 UTC