On tests in general Re: xsd facets proposal

Bijan Parsia wrote:

> I think D (provide a test case) is a good idea and easy enough.

It might be worth pointing out the following (particularly to people for 
whom this is their first WG)

- a test case helps communicate a decision, particularly to people who 
are not very up on our work
- a good test case is often very, very simple.

For example, almost any use of xsd:minInclusive or whatever is likely to 
break a system that has not implemented it at all. At least one test 
should have that goal.

A more advanced test might be to do some datatype reasoning involving 
the facets (for example that the integers less than 0 and the integers 
greater than 0 are disjoint)

It is quite possible to provide both a trivial test (is there any 
implmentation of this feature), and a not quite so trivial test (does 
the implementation actually do anything useful)

While we probably should start producing test cases, the more we produce 
before we have 'test infrastructure' in place, the more migration work 
we are creating for ourselves.


Received on Thursday, 10 January 2008 12:58:26 UTC