Re: Possible new public working draft?

Boris Motik wrote:
> Hello,
> The first working drafts have been "out" for a while. We think that it would be useful to have second versions of these	documents
> published before the next F2F so that that F2F can be concerned with work going forward instead of looking at documents that reflect
> the past. So, could there be an agenda item this week to start the process of approving a second version of these three documents
> with a target publication date a bit before the second teleconference?
> 	Bernardo, Bijan, Boris, Peter
Hmmm, while this is a good idea (publish early, publish often);
I fear that it would have been better if we were in a position to have 
more FPWDs of other documents.


Received on Tuesday, 26 February 2008 17:29:26 UTC