Concern about limiting allowed dataranges in DatatypeRestriction (for ACTION-83)

To meet obligations of ACTION-83:

In today's telecon, Boris was arguing for restricting the allowable
dataranges in datatypeRestriction.  In particular, he was citing
problematic examples like

DatatypeRestriction ( DataComplementOf ( xsd:integer ) minInclusive 5 )

I agree that no use case has been provided for this example, but was
concerned because limiting the construct to only datatypeURI would
prevent "nesting" datatype restrictions, such as:

DatatypeRestriction ( DatatypeRestriction ( xsd:decimal ) minInclusive
5.0 ) maxInclusive 6.0 )

Upon re-evaluating the constructs in light of the change to DataRange
made for [ISSUE-28] on 2008-11-21 [1], I see that this can be expressed
without nesting as in:

DatatypeRestriction ( xsd:decimal  minInclusive 5.0 maxInclusive 6.0 )

So, having clarified the current state of the draft, my concern is
resolved and I support Boris' proposal to limit DatatypeRestriction to

Thank you Boris for addressing my concern 3 months ago!

Mike Smith

Clark & Parsia


Received on Wednesday, 6 February 2008 20:54:29 UTC