implementation of several resolutions in OWL 2 Full Wiki


Just to inform the WG, here a list which resolutions have been treated in
the OWL 2 Full Wiki since F2F2:

  * ISSUE-12 (Annotations of multi-triple axioms such as equivalences):
    Checked current OWL 2 Full semantics, and found no need for changes

  * ISSUE-19 (Resolve whether to include declarations):
    Removed support for "owl2:declaredAs" vocabulary

  * ISSUE-51 (Name of the Product):
    It's now "OWL 2 Full"

  * ISSUE-63 (Defining an RDFS compatible semantics):
    Happily working on it! :)

  * ISSUE-65 (excessive duplication of vocabulary):
    Typed vocabulary removed or replaced by new non-typed vocabulary

  * ISSUE-90 (class and property deprecation vocabulary):
    same semantics in OWL 2 Full as in OWL 1 Full (no action needed)

  * ISSUE-94 (issues surrounding roundtripping):
    Wiki contains all new "All*" constructs, 
    and also the currently non-supported ones (clearly marked as

  * ISSUE-96 (vocabulary naming in RDF mapping is not consistent):
    changed name to "owl:propertyDisjointWith"

  * ISSUE-106 (reuse OWL 1.0 namespace):
    Every occurrence of "owl1.1" / "owl2" changed to "owl"

  * ISSUE-120 (broken OWL 1 Full semantics):
    Wiki contains both an explanation of the problem, and a proposed fix


Received on Friday, 25 April 2008 11:51:31 UTC