Re: Question about the topProperty

On Thu, 24 Apr 2008, Michael Schneider wrote:
> Hi!
> I have a question regarding the topProperty and the bottomProperty. If these
> properties are going to be introduced into OWL 2, would they only go into
> OWL-DL/Full, or can they also be included into each of the profiles? Do
> these properties add to the semantic expressivity or to the computational
> complexity of the profiles?

For the case of EL++: the top and bottom properties can be included. They
do add to the expressivity, but do not increase computational complexity.
The latter is very easy to see by looking at existing EL++ algorithms,
and I think it also follows from Markus' rule-extension of EL++.


*      Carsten Lutz, Institut f"ur Theoretische Informatik, TU Dresden       *
*     Office phone:++49 351 46339171     *

Received on Friday, 25 April 2008 05:58:59 UTC