RE: ISSUE-119 (russell paradox): OWL 2 Full may become inconsistent due to self restrictions

Jeremy Carroll wrote:

>> ISSUE-119 (russell paradox): OWL 2 Full may become inconsistent due to
>self restrictions
>Essentially this duplicates ISSUE-117.

ISSUE-117 is (a) much broader in its scope than ISSUE-119, and (b) it is not 
clear at the moment whether completely dropping the comprehension principle 
for self restrictions is the only possible technical solution for this 

>I suggest we only take one of
>them forward, and I am neutral as to which.

Then it makes sense to start with ISSUE-119, which *needs* a solution. The 
more general ISSUE-117 may or may not become a relevant topic /after/ 
resolving ISSUE-119.

>(Although I prefer the term
>schneider paradox to russell paradox. I see the former as the relevant
>specialization of the latter, and the latter is solved, whereas the
>former is not. Moreover the schneider paradox is a variation on the
>patel-schneider paradox ...)

The only comment by me on this will be that there will not be any comment by 
me on this. :)


Received on Monday, 21 April 2008 13:53:50 UTC