Re: ACTION-93 / ISSUE-63: Initiated work on OWL-1.1-Full semantics

Michael Schneider wrote:

> The WG will have to decide whether we want to have such an "RDF style"
> OWL-DL clone or not in OWL 2. I cannot see a demand in the charter for such
> a language. And I do not remember that there was any advocacy in the WG or
> by someone else in favor for it (although I remember that there was once a
> mail from a HP employee bringing this language into play). 

At a guess that was from David Turner, who was working for me 
(temporarily). Thus I feel free to remove any implicit HP support for 
this language (OWL-DL, RDFS compatible). If it is helpful to have it 
then so be it, if it is unhelpful then let's not.


Received on Monday, 21 April 2008 12:18:20 UTC