ISSUE-118 (bNode semantics): Should bNodes in OWL 2 DL have existential or skolem semantics?

ISSUE-118 (bNode semantics): Should bNodes in OWL 2 DL have existential or skolem semantics?

Raised by: Michael Schneider
On product: 

At the F2F2 we have decided to introduce bNodes for individuals in class assertions and property assertions. But we deferred the question which semantics such bNodes should have:

  "RESOLVED: Resolve Issue 3 and Issue 46, 
  accepting Boris's proposal
  only in terms of the syntax of bnodes, 
  and open a new issue on the semantics of bnodes, [...]" 

  (see: <>)

Since this issue has not yet been raised, and since there exists ACTION-132 w.r.t. this non-raised issue, I hereby raise it.

Received on Sunday, 20 April 2008 22:21:27 UTC