Re: [Imports Task Force] revised imports spec

As I related to Peter privately, I will not be available Monday and  
have solicited suggestions for an alternate time. Failing this we  
will reschedule the imports task force meeting next week or the  


On Apr 18, 2008, at 11:51 AM, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:

> I modified a bit in light  
> of the
> discussion at the F2F.  On Monday, we could determine whether this
> proposal is acceptable as a proposed resolution for ISSUE-21 and
> ISSUE-24.  For easy reference, I have included the relevant part of  
> the
> Wiki page here.
> Peter F. Patel-Schneider
> Bell Labs Research
> Basic idea:
> Imports in OWL 2 are "by location": if an ontology O contains a
> statement "Import( someURI )", then "someURI" specifies the  
> location of
> the imported ontology---that is, an OWL 2 implementation SHOULD access
> the ontology at the location "someURI" using the standard Internet
> protocols. In some cases, however, an application might want to  
> retrieve
> the imported ontology from some other location; this can be the case,
> for example, in order to implement off-line caching or a staging
> mechanism for ontologies prior to their publishing on the web. In this
> case, an OWL 2 implementation MAY choose to replace or augment the
> above described resolution mechanism with a mechanism that from
> "someURI" determines how to find the ontology. In any case, the  
> ontology
> so found SHOULD have its ontologyURI equal to "someURI".
> Versioning:
> Versioning is handled by a publishing methodology. The ontology with
> ontology URI "someURI" is published at "someURI" *and* at another
> location, which SHOULD be the value of an ontology annotation for
> owl:versionInfo. When a new version of the ontology with ontology URI
> "someURI" is created, it is published at "someURI" and also at a
> version-specific location. Other ontologies can import from  
> "someURI" if
> the current version is wanted, or from the version-specific  
> location if
> a particular version is required. This has the side effect of  
> loosening
> name-location matching so that the ontology so found SHOULD have its
> ontologyURI or an owl:versionInfo annotation value equal to
> "someURI".
> So the ontology
>  Ontology(<>
>    Annotation(owl:versionInfo < 
> family>) ... )
> would be published at both and
> A new version
>  Ontology(<>
>    Annotation(owl:versionInfo < 
> family>) ... )
> would be published at, replacing  
> the
> version previously there, and also at
> An ontology SHOULD NOT import multiple versions of the same ontology,
> i.e., different ontology documents with the same ontology URI but that
> do not share an owl:versionInfo annotation value.

Received on Saturday, 19 April 2008 02:31:19 UTC