closing ISSUE-22 (special syntax for role rule)

On 16 January 2008 Bijan added a note to the proposal for ISSUE-22:

  I think we should close this with no action. Here's why:

  1) It's a new feature and there is no concrete proposal and I spent a
  few minutes trying to think of a syntax and had no good one other than
  the rule itself

  2) Having just this one rule (which wouldn't be DL safe!) is very
  strange and might conflict with rule extensions

  3) It seems that the best place for this is in a "Decidable swrl
  compiler" (as a visitor here was working on). There are *lots* of
  rules that you can compile using the new expressive property
  axioms. Why *this* one? Just because we thought of it? Better to
  encourage the development of these SWRL compilers and leave it to a
  "decidable fragments of SWRL" group. 

  [Bijan Parsia]

There does not appear to have been any futher discussion.

I agree with Bijan's comments, and propose that ISSUE-22 be closed in
this fashion.

Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Bell Labs Research

Received on Friday, 18 April 2008 11:44:59 UTC